Time planner

Implement a meeting planner that can schedule meetings between two persons at a time.

Planner input:

dur - Meeting duration in seconds (a positive integer).

timesA, timesB - Availability of each person, represented by an array of arrays.

Each sub-array is a time span holding the start (first element) and end (second element) times.

You may assume that time spans are disjointed.

Planner output:

Array of two items - start and end times of the planned meeting, representing the earliest opportunity for the two persons to meet for a dur length meeting. If no possible meeting can be scheduled, return an empty array instead.

Design and implement an efficient solution and analyze its runtime and space complexity.


timePlanner(60, [[150, 300], [100, 200]], [[50, 400], [200, 300]]);
// [100, 160]

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