I'm Jason
Front End Developer

Github Repositories

About me

I am a front‑end developer who is an enthusiastic supporter for Open-source.

I started my career as an Android programmer but after I got the simplicity of the debugging process(refreshing browser) in Javascript, I fell in love with JS.

When I code, I like to make it testable, efficient and reusable. I am eager to learn new technologies and like to share opinions. That's why I'm into Open-source and Javascript.

I love coffee(not CoffeeScript but Typescript), binge-watching, taking a walk, dogs and a simple life.


  • Personal Projects October 2015 - Present Personal Projects

    I have been familiarizing myself with new technologies like Webpack, Babel, Typescript, React, Redux, Angular2 and so on. To practice them, I have made some examples and websites with the skills on Github

  • INNORIX June 2014 - October 2015 INNORIX

    As a senior Front-end developer, I built a Javascript library that helps developers integrate a file transfer system into thier websites using HTML5's drag and drop, Web Workers, jQuery, Less, Grunt, etc and made a developer tool for the library by customizing log4javascript library.

  • Usoftation June 2012 - June 2014 Usoftation

    Even though I had a title, Android developer on my business card, the most frequently used language at this time to me was Javascript. I had a chance to join a project to build a developer tool like Adobe Dreamweaver for designing a car GPS navigation. I was in charge of showing the result of designing by HTML including animations for user interaction

  • CPS telecom August 2010 - August 2011 CPS telecom

    I worked as a technical engineer and mostly did the maintenance jobs on customers' sites


Feel free to send me a msg..!!
